
Ágætis Byrjun

I start to write this blog a while ago...Sometime in 2005...I wrote only one post then i stopped. It was just an attempt to discover "blogosphere"... Today I decide to write a what they called a webzine...I will use this blog as a place where i write my own thoughts of albums that i've been listening to...(It must be really easy to write about an album you never heard of..)

This is just a desire, an immitation of others,other magazines,websites, people that will never hire me...

Why a person want to publish a maga/web-zine? I really don't know... It is possible to fulfill his need to achievement,success.

This will be a secret pla
ce for me where i keep my thoughts...to not to forget what i said.I am not sure will i continue to write...or how often will i write...

Soundtrack of a Rainy Afternoon...It is a good, fresh start as the title suggests...
Who knows, where on earth rain falls just know...and there is a human being who listens to music..

Have a nice trip...do not hesitate to leave anytime you want..